Gina Obertelli is the sole practitioner at Obertelli Play Therapy, now offering the following therapeutic services:
Play Therapy
Filial Therapy
DDP skills
Initially my career began in Social Work, working with young people and supporting adult care givers in fostering and adoption roles.
I then further trained at Liverpool Hope University and obtained my Play Therapy qualification through a BAPT accredited Post Graduate diploma course.
I worked for CAMHS for a number of years as a specialist mental health practitioner with Children Looked After. This involved undertaking assessments, therapeutic work and identifying packages of support and guidance.
I have extensive experience working with children in foster, residential and adoptive homes and have frequently been commissioned to support and stabilise young people and their care givers.
I acknowledge that children are the experts in themselves and can powerfully communicate through their behaviour. My role is to provide space and time to navigate children through play to work through and make sense of their life experiences. It is essential to support their caregivers in to how best to care for them at these stages in time.
I have a specific interest in attachment and how trauma can impact on a child’s functioning. I am also interested in child development and how important it is for a child to experience feeling stable and secure in order for them to develop, thrive and reach their potential.
I am passionate about my job and feel it is a privilege to work as a therapeutic practitioner. I enjoy working systemically in order to maximise the outcomes for any young person both in the present and the long term.
Qualifications and extra training:
Dip/HE Social Work
BSc Child Care Care Award
Practice Teacher Award in Social Work
PG Diploma Play Therapy
DDP skills
Filial Therapy
TLSW –Advanced Certificate in Therapeutic Life Story Work –
Essential Supervision skills (BPS APPROVED) Certificate in Clinical Supervision